Job Facilities In IR
Job Facilities in IR
Clues for Jobs in IR
- Students of IR will have variety of jobs after graduation.
- Those jobs can be divided into four categories: governmental, private companies, NGOs, research institutions.
- Each category needs a special training
- Students are supposed to decide what kind of job they are eager to do until the fifth semester.
- When decision is done, students need to focus on developing special skills required for those jobs
- The common skill for all jobs is language skill. Therefore, students should improve their language skill from the first semester.
- Reading and joining to social activities are two merits in getting better jobs
Jobs in Government and Diplomacy
- Governmental Institutions: Department of Foreign Ministry
- International Institutions; the UN, WTO, and others
- Highly competitive
- Advance Level in English and Second Foreign Language
- Strong analytical and writing abilities
- The ability to work well in groups
- To write clear and to analyze information
- Concise interpretations (sharpness in ideas)
Jobs In International Business
- Private companies abroad (and foreign companies in Turkey)
- Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
- Bringing economics, political science and communications together
- Language and cultural skills
- Experience with study abroad (Erasmus and other options)
- Knowledge of a particular industry (especially the language of this particular industry)
- Cross-cultural skills
Jobs In Nongovernmental Organisations
- NGOs (Islamic Relief USA, Greenpeace, etc.)
- Basic Office skills (computer expertise)
- Writing skills
- Communication skills (especially when fundraising is part of the job)
- Foreign language skills
- Being volunteer for a period of time
- Personal networks
Jobs In Education and Research
- Think-tanks (SETA, TESEV, ORSAM etc. in Turkey and many abroad)
- Universities (MA, PhD, Research Assistant)
- Critical and theoretical thinking
- Writing skills
- Language skills
- Specialized skills (quantitative analysis, area-studies, theories, etc.)
- Enough scores from all necessary exams (ALES in Turkey, GRD [Graduate Record Examinations] for the US)